Overcoming taboos matters / Palliative Care QLD

Welcome to the home of
We start every project by interrogating the problem to understand the human need, want, issue or opportunity. Then we look for an idea that’s surprising, relevant and sticky. That’s worthy of the audience’s time and attention.
We deeply consider the customer experience at every touchpoint. We’ve learned that loyalty has to be earned over and over again. And it’s only borrowed from one experience to the next.
In execution, we have deep experience in a broad range of media, but we start with the idea. So we can focus on the right solution rather than forcing the thinking into a predetermined channel.
What we do
Chiquita King (or CK as she’s fondly referred to) and Ant Melder founded the agency in 2019. Their partnership was somehow inevitable. They arrived from different paths but passion, respect, ambition and service are the undeniable codes that bind them.
We’re the kind of people who say what we mean and mean what we say. When we started the agency, we committed 5% of our profits to helping people in need.
That ambition has led to a partnership with University of Technology Sydney. Together, we founded the inaugural Cocogun Scholarship for Indigenous Creatives. We’re passionate about growing the diversity of talent in our industry. This commitment is ongoing.
We’re a Certified B Corporation. We’re part of a global community of businesses that meet high standards of social and environmental impact. When you work with us, you’re partnering with an agency that cares and is responsible for how we go about doing business on our watch, while delivering audacious creativity for our clients.
As part of our Business Impact model, we commit 5% of our time in pro bono services.
In 2024, Culture Australia recognised Cocogun among the top 100 companies to work for. This is an acknowledgment of our long-term commitment to a truly progressive work environment.
Creativity is about striking the right
balance of IQ and EQ.
It’s not just what we do, it’s the
way that we do it.
We go above and beyond
… and then some.
Ideas that matter need people who are bold enough to make them happen. Let’s collaborate.